Experience a Taste of Country and History at the Batsto Country Living Fair

More than 100 exhibitors will participate in the annual Batsto Country Living Fair at Historic Batsto Village in Wharton State Forest on Sunday, October 20, 2024 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Each year the Country Living Fair, organized by the Batsto Citizens Committee, Inc. (BCCI), brings together history buffs, artisans, collectors, and families to stroll, shop, and sample while they explore the carefully preserved historic buildings of a centuries-old Pine Barrens company town. Visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy exhibits, music, antiques, farm equipment, chain-saw art, quilting, and more, all with a country theme. Food trucks and vendors will provide refreshments for sale throughout the day.
A variety of country, Colonial, and Victorian crafts will be available for purchase. Visitors will also be able to meet talented crafters demonstrating their artistry in a wide assortment of materials. World War II era vehicles and old-time steam engines will be on display. Activities and pony rides for kids will help make this an event of special interest to people of all ages.
There is no cost to attend or park at the fair. Signs along Route 542 will help guide motorists to designated parking areas.
Batsto Village is located in the Pinelands of southern Burlington County (at 31 Batsto Road Hammonton, NJ), approximately seven miles east of Hammonton on Route 542 and about 15 miles west of the Garden State Parkway. County Route 542 is the main highway leading to Batsto Village from points east and west. Motorists heading west from the Green Bank area turn right onto Bulltown Road. Follow signs and arrows to the Washington Turnpike parking site. Further information may be obtained by calling the Batsto Visitor Center at (609) 561-0024 or www.njparksandforests.org
About Batsto Citizens Committee, Inc.
The Batsto Citizens Committee was founded in 1956 to aid the State of New Jersey in the development of Batsto Village as a historic site. Its purpose was to advise, assist, and promote the restoration and interpretation of the historic and natural aspects of Batsto Village. In 1997, the committee reorganized and became incorporated as the Batsto Citizens Committee, Inc. (BCCI), and continues to follow the above objectives.