Pinelands Photographer Donates Images to Batsto

Pinelands Photographer Donates 37 Images
From Recent State Museum Exhibit

Photographer Albert Horner of Medford Lakes has donated 37 fine art images to three state organizations that champion the New Jersey Pinelands. The N.J. Pinelands Commission, New Lisbon; Batsto Citizens Committee at Wharton State Forest; and New Jersey Conservation Foundation, Far Hills, received the work.

The donation comprises works that appeared in his recently closed exhibit at the New Jersey State Museum, “Preserving the Pinelands–Albert Horner’s Portraits of a National Treasure,” that ran from October 2019 through early January 2022. He also donated some works from the show to the museum’s archives.

“I chose these organizations because of the work they do to preserve or showcase the New Jersey Pinelands and the fact that they had facilities where the work could be displayed and enjoyed by the public,” Horner said.

The State Museum show drew enthusiastic praise from those who attended, including these guest book comments: “Wondrous Albert Horner exhibit. Keep teaching people to love and protect N.J., to be proud of our state.” “Wow! Much needed light on a very special place.” “The Pinelands exhibit had a lovely mystical quality to it. It seems like a place I would love to hike and paint.”

Horner’s images capture the quiet beauty and intimate landscapes of New Jersey’s Pinelands Region, a UNESCO-designated Biosphere Reserve. Self-taught and award-winning, Horner brings curiosity, reverence and a practiced eye to his craft, recording the forests, cedar swamps, meandering waterways and native wildflowers that make the Pinelands unique.

For more information about Horner’s work, visit: